Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Bob Dylan and the Band Play Madison Square Garden January 30, 1974

This show was one of three at the Garden.  It was the first time Dylan had toured in eight years.  He and The Band had just released the album Planet Waves.  Tickets could only be obtained via a lottery.  My roommate at Fordham had scored a couple but he had no spares.  I lucked out, though.  A guy in one of my classes sold me his extra for the January 31 afternoon show at face value.  I was awestruck the entire show. Here's a review.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Some Things Only Get Worse--Immigration chronicles

This is from the underground newspaper the Berkeley Barb January 1977.....the last sentence says a lot..."Allow looser immigration during economic booms....when recession hits, tighten up...and excess workers have to be disposed of."


Monday, January 22, 2018

First Minute of a New Day....

On January 25, 1975 Gil Scott Heron and the Midnight Band released the album First Minute of a New Day.  This link is to the song "Winter in America," which appeared on the previous album in a slightly different version....
Image result for first minute of a new day

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Senator George McGovern Announces Antiwar Run for President

On January 18, 1971 George McGovern announced his candidacy for president.  His campaign was probably the most left-leaning campaign under the flag of one of the two main parties ever (until Bernie Sanders's 2016 campaign, anyhow.)  McGovern promised to withdraw all US forces from Vietnam within sixty days of his inauguration and give amnesty to all draft resisters. He ultimately won the Democratic nomination, despite the best efforts of the centrist/conservative wing of the party.
Here is the text of his announcement:

Unfortunately, he would lose the election to Richard Nixon in November 1972.